Thursday, September 15, 2011

Volunteering at the Food Bank

I'm feeling great today, as I had eggs and toast for breakfast and a pb and banana sandwich. Today's challenge has been drinks. I think I'll be over today based on 2 sodas and a bottle of water. Oh well. It's a long day and I didn't pack anything to drink.
Tonight after clinicals I volunteered at the SF Food Bank with Jimmy and Jeff from school. It was interesting to be there and see what their warehouse is all about, but I really wish we'd been with clients instead. Not sure I learned anything about public health by being there. We did package enough food to feed 20,000 people, that's pretty amazing. I had forgotten we were going and didn't pack enough food, so was pretty darn hungry while we were there.
Breakfast: eggs, toast and spinach - $1.05
Lunch: PB and banana sandwich - $0.65
Dinner: Baked potato, tuna, spinach and cheese - $1.85
2 sodas - $0.84
Water - $0.95
Total for the day: $5.34 Fail.

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